Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Fall in New York 2016

October 10, 2016

Skyping with best friend Willow in Alaska. 

 October 13, 2016 Katie and Mom at Uncle Arnold's and Auntie Andie's Home

 Lovely Fall Leaves

The fall leaves in Upstate New York are always beautiful.

Katie went to Auntie Lilly's Pottery Workshop to see the Raku firing

Katie's Kindergarten Picture

Katie Kindergarten 2016

November 23, 2016 Mom and Katie Make Cookies

A Mom and Katie Day
Best Mommy in the Whole World

Spring 2016 Katie

Spring 2016

Spring 2016 Katie in her playhouse

A Fall Bike Ride October 1, 2016

Katie Took a Ride on Her New Bike

 Katie in her motorcycle jacket.

 Taking a break by the canal.

 Auntie took a walk with Katie

Auntie Andie and Uncle Arnold's Garden a Favorite Resting Place